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Encyclopedia of Natural Healing for Children & Infants by Dr. Mary Bove (Book)

$42.95 incl. GST

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This comprehensive, user-friendly book by one of the nation’s most respected medical herbalists has all the information you will need to safeguard and improve the health of your children by utilizing proper diet, supplementation and herbs.

Dr. Mary Bove places particular emphasis on:

  • Strengthening the young Immune System
  • Offers essential information on managing Allergies
  • Avoiding the damaging overuse of Antibiotics

Featuring an A-Z compilation of more than 50 common childhood aliments.

This book is designed to help all parents take a more active role in the health and well-being of their children.

About the Author

Mary Bove, N.D., is a naturopathic physician, midwife and medical herbalist with a private practice in Vermont, USA.

She lectures throughout North America in the fields of botanical medicine, phytotherapy and naturopathic obstetrics and is the author of serval books on natural health including “Herbs for Women’s Health”.