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Norfolk Punch

Norfolk Punch Original 700ml

$24.95 incl. GST

2 in stock


Norfolk Punch Original is a healthy non-alcoholic drink that is a 700-year-old medieval monastic recipe containing over 30 herbs, berries and spices and is nature’s answer to reviving your energy and heightening your spirit.

  • NO Alcohol
  • NO Artificial Flavours
  • NO Artificial Colouring

How to Use

  • Suggested Serving Size: 100ml
  • Hot:  Drink hot to release the full benefit of the herbs to help you relax.
  • Cold:  Drink chilled on hot days to refresh and replace lost energy.
  • Daily: Drink morning and night to restore the natural balance of your body.


Water, Dark Brown Sugar, Honey, Lemon Juice, Alder, Alehoof, Angelica, Bay, Caraway Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clove, Daisy, Dandelion, Doc, Elderberry, Elderflower, Fennel, Feverfew, Ginger, Grapeskin, Hops, Lemon Balm, Lime Flower, Lime Leaf, Liquorice, Meadowsweet, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Poppy, Rosemary, Samphire, Thyme, Vervain.